[OpenTox Association] OpenTox API consolidation

helma at in-silico.ch helma at in-silico.ch
Thu Mar 26 10:51:32 CET 2015

Dear all,

Current API documentation for OpenTox related projects (e.g. OpenTox,
ToxBank, eNanomapper, ...) is scattered across multiple websites and project
repositories, sometimes incomplete and/or outdated and certainly hard to find
for new developers. As a starting point to improve the situation I would like
to collect the REST API documentation for currently *running* and maintained
OpenTox services in a single place with a side-by-side comparison of
existing implementations.

As a second step this API overview could serve as a starting point for
discussing a unified OpenTox API 2.0.

I have no preference for a particular technical solution, but a (unrealistic?)
wishlist for the API docs:

  - programming language agnostic
  - little effort to rewrite documentation for existing services
  - little effort to maintain and change layouts (e.g. for side-by-side comparisons)
  - documentation should originate from a *single* place (ideally source code),
    otherwise it is unlikely that it will be kept up-to-date
  - integration of examples and (automated) tests (in order to see if services
    are active and deliver, what the API promises)

Does that make sense?
Shall we proceed with a project-independent OpenTox API documentation?
Additional requirements?
Any recommendations for a technical solution for the new API documentation?


PS: Sorry for cross posting, I wanted to reach all developers of OpenTox
related projects.

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