[OTDev] Algorithm

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Wed Sep 30 16:16:16 CEST 2009

Dear all,
  According to the OpenTox specifications for Algorithm
( http://opentox.org/dev/apis/api-1.0/Algorithm  ) if a client needs to
train a classification or a regression model, then a dataset uri and
some tuning parameters for the algorithm have to be provided. As I
mentioned before, the target feature has also to be specified by the

Just for clarity, I'd like to ask whether we should consider that the
descriptor calculation is already done or not. For example, if we find
the compound "/compound/101" and the feature definition
"/feature_definition/1234" in a given data set, then is there a value at
"/feature/compound/101/feature_definition/1234" or we have to call the
descriptor calculation web service to calculate the feature and generate
this URI? Should we expect a status code 404 from

Best regards,

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