[OTDev] A note on RDF parsing and OWL-DL valid algorithm representations.

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Tue Dec 22 14:08:22 CET 2009

Dear All,
 The algorithm representaitons (application/rdf+xml,
application/x-turtle and text/x-triple are available) are both
syntactically and semantically correct so I would suggest that
developers encountering problems with RDF creation, took a look at those
RDFs (at least I hope it might be helpful).

Also, java developers could take a look at the RDF parser of our source
code at
http://github.com/sopasakis/yaqp/blob/master/src/org/opentox/ontology/Dataset.java . This is much adapted to our needs and has some weaknesses but it is able to parse RDF representations of datasets. Some lines are due to Nina (see http://opentox.org/data/documents/development/RDF%20files/JavaOnly/JenaExamples ). All contributions and suggestions are welcome.

It would be helpful if you provided access to your source code using
some online CVS tool like github  ( http://github.com ). Me, Christoph
and Andreas M. use github and Nina uses sourceforge. Otherwise you can
set up your own CVS server ( like for example
https://opentox.ntua.gr/git/yaqp.git ). This will definitely help others
to take a look at your code and copy some lines maybe.

Best Regards,

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