[OTDev] Common LDAP backend

Andreas Maunz andreas at maunz.de
Fri Mar 26 10:05:21 CET 2010

Dear all,

we have just established LDAP (actually an instance of OpenLDAP) as the 
common backend for user identity: attempts to log in using the OpenTox 
website as well as attempts to log in using OpenSSO will be 
authenticated against it. You can check it out by issuing:

curl -i -d "username=<username>&password=<password>" 

where <..> is to be replaced by the appropriate values. The ForceAuth 
parameter allows multiple log-ins for the same identity and is strictly 
speaking not necessary.

Please find attached the updated documentation. I will continue working 
towards a webservice to create, edit and delete policies.


OpenPGP key: http://www.maunz.de/andreas@maunz.de_pub.asc

            All right, who's been cooking hot dogs in the Warp Drive?
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