[OTDev] AA Update

Andreas Maunz andreas at maunz.de
Tue Jun 22 11:00:02 CEST 2010

Dear all,

in order to better illustrate usage of the AA webservices, please find 
attached a shell script that conducts a REST sample session using the 
following arguments:

$ ./aa-session.sh
Usage: ./aa-session.sh <username> <password> <action> <uri>

<username>: your Plone username
<password>: your Plone password (plain text!)
<action>:   one of GET POST PUT DELETE
<uri>:      resource to query (please surround with hyphens)

$ ./aa-session.sh amaunz secret POST 'http://opentox.ntua.gr:3000/bibtex'

Note: the script sends crendentials in plain text. Please consider 
modifying the /identity/authenticate command to use SSL before you use 
the script!
To do so, add -k to all curl command lines and change 'http' in HOST 
variable to 'https'.

The script performs the following actions (in this sequence):

1) Get a token <token> from OpenSSO using <username> and <password>.
2) Query user attributes from LDAP using the token <token>.
3) Authorize action <action> on resource <uri> using the token <token>.
4) List all policies of user <username> using the token <token>.
5) Find owner of resource <uri> using the token <token> (NEW!)
6) Logout (invalidate token <token>).

Step 5) is a new feature: in case you are denied access to a resource, 
you can query the service for the resource owner. This person may or may 
not then grant you access.

Hope this is helpful.

Best regards


  The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease.  Sometimes it gets 
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