[OTDev] Experiments with RDF

Christoph Helma helma at in-silico.ch
Mon Oct 4 10:21:54 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I have just returned from holidays. In the attachment I am sending you a
few benchmarks for OWL-DL serialisation for various libraries (RDF.rb,
Redland with Ruby bindings, Redland with SWIG/Ruby bindings, direct
serialisation to strings (ntriples)) I have made before our meeting.
All of them use some internal housekeeping to avoid duplicate triples
(Triples creation ...). Algorithms are not 100% comparable (Objects are
sometimes created during triple creation, sometimes during triples
insertiion), but in general the bottleneck is the creation of the RDF
graph (Triples insertion into model ...). Serialisation itself is rarely
a problem (also not parsing).

For future experiments I would suggest to share some benchmark datasets
(large, medium, small) - I will still have to read all the
messages/attachments of this thread in detail.

Best regards,
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