[OTDev] Policy from MNA

Druzhilovsky dmitry.druzhilovsky at ibmc.msk.ru
Fri Feb 25 10:13:27 CET 2011

Dear Nina,

Could you help me in one question? I sent a request:

C:\curl>curl -X POST -d dataset_uri=https://apps.ideaconsult.net:8443/ambit2/dataset/2765 -d dataset_service=https://ambit.uni-plovdiv.bg:8443/ambit2/dataset -d username=OTlogin -d password=OTPassword -iv

I received answer:

Could you check whether policy is created by guest or now with my policy? Or tell me how I can do it myself.

Best regards

Dmitry S. Druzhilovsky

Laboratory of Structure-Function Based Drug Design 119121, Russia, Moscow, Pogodinskaya street, 10
Phone: +7 499 255-30-29
Fax: +7 499 245-08-57

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