[OTDev] opentox-ruby v1.0.0

Christoph Helma helma at in-silico.ch
Fri Mar 11 15:10:32 CET 2011

Dear all,

We have finally managed to release the new opentox-ruby library and 
updated source code for our webservices and ToxCreate. Source code can
be grabbed from our new github page: http://github.com/opentox.

It contains complete API documentation for opentox-ruby (webservice
documentation fails to build properly on rubydoc.info, I will have to
investigate this further), cross-service tests and an automated
installation script. A test version is already running on
ot-test.in-silico.ch (ToxCreate can be tested at
ot-test.in-silico.ch/toxcreate, services are available at

>From now on we will follow a rational versioning policy with the
following conventions:

  - Version numbers have the format major.minor.patch
  - Bugfixes will increase the patch number
  - Backwards compatible feature additions increase the minor number
  - API changes increase the major number
  - Applications, services and libraries with the same major.minor
    number are compatible

We have still a few problems with the validation service and A+A is
currently disabled to avoid overloading the opensso server. We will
deploy the new version to toxcreate.org and webservices.in-silico.ch as
soon as we have resolved the validation issues.

Best regards,

PS: Please use the issue trackers at http://github.com/opentox to report
problems and feature requests.

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