[OTDev] ot:isA vs. rdf:type

Christoph Helma helma at in-silico.ch
Fri Apr 1 14:05:28 CEST 2011

Dear Nina, All,

Up to now, we have been using ot:isA in the metadata to characterize
models, features, algorithms etc and rdf:type to assign OpenTox classes.
Ambit seems to use only rdf:type (at least in Features) and I have the
impression that ot:isA is redundant to rdf:type. Is that true?

If yes: Can we remove ot:isA from the API (I did not check if it is still
there) and deprecate ot:isA?

If no: What is the difference between ot:isA and rdf:type, and when
should we choose one over the other. 

Thanks and best regards,

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