[OpenTox Association] OpenTox Founding - committee, WGs, agenda for 20 Feb meeting

Barry Hardy barry.hardy at douglasconnect.com
Tue Feb 17 15:17:45 CET 2015

Dear All:
We continue to work on the OpenTox Founding preparation work.

Currently we are discussing how the organising structure including 
committee and working groups (WGs) will best work and we call on people 
interested in volunteering and serving.

What should the inital set of WGs be? Are you willing to lead a WG? Are 
you willing to serve on the organising committee? etc. Please suggest!

The next founding preparation meeting will be this Friday 16.30 CET 
(10.30am East Coast) Friday 20 Feb (see dialin information below and 
attached agenda) where we will concentrate on discussion of the 
founding, formation of the organisational governance, committee election 
and initial GA.

We will also communicate again this week so that the community is aware 
of this association list, as potential participants may have missed 
initial email etc. We can then work on founding meeting scheduling as a 
next step.


OpenTox Founding Preparation Meeting Information
16.30-17.30 CET, Friday 20 February 2015

Discussion of:
1. Election of the President & Committee
2. Working Groups
3. Organisation of GA
4. Membership Fees
5. Actions

*Virtual Conference Instructions*

1. Please join the meeting at the following gotomeeting Web address:

Meeting Password: opentox321
Meeting ID: 715-561-590

The meeting area supports desktop sharing by all participants in the

2. You can join the audio conference call through the Website using
VOIP; a microphone and headset attached to your PC is recommended.
You can call in using your telephone through calling one of the
following numbers:

Australia: +61 2 6108 4655
Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1403
Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4294
Canada: +1 416 800 9295
Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 88 65
Finland: +358 (0) 942 41 5781
France: +33 (0) 182 880 459
Germany: +49 (0) 898 7806 6468
Italy: +39 0 699 36 98 81
Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 382
Spain: +34 931 81 6669
Sweden: +46 (0) 852 503 499
Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0167 09
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3535 0610
United States: +1 914 339 0034

Access Code: 715-561-590
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Support: Please call +41 79 755 2340


Notes from 13 February preparation meeting

Association Invitations
- We should circulate further invitations ensuring maximum awareness of 
OpenTox Association founding and potential for involvement - will be 
done this week

- Consider alternative locations for association, and advantages and 

- We anticipate that the Association may have in part a geographical 
structure e.g., local chapters such as OpenTox Euro, OpenTox USA, 
OpenTox India etc.

- Consider structures that facilitate funding in different locations 
e.g., legal structures, foundation development. (This may be more of an 
operational task cf. a founding task.)

Membership fees:
- Consider having multiple currencies available e.g., CHF, Euros, USD, 
Rupees etc (Operational task)

- Identify benefits offered to members

- Current fees appear reasonable but we should consider variations e.g., 
different geographies have different costs of living, do we offer 
special reductions and for whom e.g., students

- We will circulate invitations to ascertain interest in participation 
including original OT project and additional members willing to serve

- We should discuss how to structure Working Group (WG) participation in 
decision making

- We should identify an initial group of WGs including those willing to 
lead and those willing to participate
e.g., API WG, AOP/Ontology, ...

- We anticipate that WG participation can include invitations to non-members

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