[OTDev] TUM open questions (Algorithm Types)

Nina Jeliazkova nina at acad.bg
Mon Dec 7 12:05:39 CET 2009

Tobias, All,

Please find an updated versions of AlgorithmTypes.owl uploaded at

It now uses multiple inheritance rather than properties, e.g. the
instance RegressionEagerMultipleTarget is subclass of Regression ,
EagerLearning and  MultipleTargets classes.

There are (at least) two ways to link particular algorithm to this
ontology - either use owl:sameAs as in  "algorithm owl:sameAs 
RegressionEagerMultipleTarget" , or declare that the algorithm is
subclass of e.g. Regression , EagerLearning and  MultipleTargets classes. 

I don't know which one is better/recommended, perhaps somebody with more
expertise on ontologies building would reply.

Best regards,
>>> (6) Regarding the AlgorithmTypes.owl: Could you explain why
>>> ClassificationEagerSingleTarget, ... are Individuals and not an
>>> instantiation of it, like WekaJ48? Furthermore we feel that it would be
>>> better called Multiple not Many, but this is a minor thing

> Yes.  In fact I was playing with both options (subclass and
> individuals).   The reason for individuals is if one needs to relate an
> Algorithm with the property owl:sameAs , or opentox:isA , this could be
> done only through individuals, not classes.  One can't say "Class_X
> owl:sameAs Class_Y". 
> There are also ways to use subclasses (as in the Protege OWL tutorial ),
> perhaps Ivelina will include some examples in her presentation.  It was
> just my perception that relationships via properties  owl:sameAs ,
> ot:isA and individuals  are a better fit for our case .

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