[OTDev] URI Lists

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Fri Feb 5 18:32:17 CET 2010

Hi all,

I have a little question regarding the representation of URI lists in
rdf: Is it ok to include all URIs in the RDF arranged in triples like:
   {uri1, type, type1}
   {uri2, type, type2}

Following this pattern there is no way to assign a title to the List
itself or other metadata related to the uri list and what is more there
is no Ontological Entity (e.g. class) for describing such lists.

I think there's a more structured way to do that, such as:
  {uri1, type, type1}
  {uri2, type, type2}
  { someListUri, {
                  type ot:UriList
                  hasUri uri1
                  hasUri uri2
                  hasUri uri3
                  title "my list of URIs"
Is there a standard way of representing URI Lists in RDF? If not, we
could introduce the class ot:URIList and the property ot:hasUri...

Best Regards,

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