[OTDev] TUM and AMBIT integration

Tobias Girschick tobias.girschick at in.tum.de
Wed Feb 24 14:29:51 CET 2010

Dear All,

I just wanted to give you a short update on the status of the TUM and
AMBIT service integration. It is now possible to calculate descriptors
and build a model with the TUM services. The integration part here is,
that we use the AMBIT dataset service to store and retrieve the datasets
and features. Furthermore it is possible with ToxPredict to use the TUM
models for predictions. 

I also documented a short walk-through example on our wiki that shows
the 4 steps to create a model (without a GUI; curl calls). This might be
of use for other developers, as well.

This still is work in progress and not everything works fine, but I
think we have made a step in the right direction and showed that the
integration works.


Dipl.-Bioinf. Tobias Girschick

Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Lehrstuhl I12 - Bioinformatik
Bolzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München, Germany

Room: MI 01.09.042
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18002
Email: tobias.girschick at in.tum.de
Web: http://wwwkramer.in.tum.de/girschick

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