[OTDev] BibTex web services

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Mon May 31 14:07:43 CEST 2010

Dear all,
 There is a formal OWL definition of bibliographic entries following the
BibTeX specification. This is available at
http://zeitkunst.org/bibtex/0.1/ . I think we could use this in OpenTox
if we need to assign such a reference to a model, dataset with
predictions or other resource. Of course we need a BibTex service
including an (on-line) database for storing bibtex references. On the
other hand we could adopt some internal structure for use in OpenTox but
I think it's better to follow some well accepted standards to enhance
interoperability with other services and applications. 

So, if there is no objection on that I could proceed with the
implementation of a web service with the following functionalities:

GET /bibtex: Get all bibTex references in RDF or other available MIME as
specified by the Accept header (default: application/rdf+xml).

GET /bibtex/{id}: Get the representation of a certain bibtex reference
in some available format.

POST /bibtex: post an RDF representation to the bibtex service. Your
bibtex will be parsed and stored in the database. The URI of the
generated bibtex resource is returned to the client in text/uri-list (or
other) format. 

PUT /bibtex/{id}: Update a bibtex reference resource with some given

DELETE /bibtex/{id} and DELETE /bibtex/: Delete some or all bibtex
resource(s) (requires administrative skills).

Best regards,

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