[OTDev] Policy Creation in Java and Tokens

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Tue Jun 15 19:36:07 CEST 2010

Dear all,
 You can find some code for retrieving the token id given (your)
credentials at
http://github.com/alphaville/yaqp-turbo/tree/xtreme/src/org/opentox/www/aa/ .
Basic drawback: For the time this does not work over SSL. 

The classes in:
http://github.com/alphaville/yaqp-turbo/tree/xtreme/src/org/opentox/www/aa/policy/ can help you create a policy. I will add a method for posting the policy to the openSSO server and getting the response.

Question : Does anyone know how can I set the document type: <!DOCTYPE
Policies PUBLIC "-//Sun Java System Access Manager7.1 2006Q3 Admin CLI
DTD//EN" "jar://com/sun/identity/policy/policyAdmin.dtd"> in Java using
org.w3c.dom ?

I will also try to make the above code run using the secure socket (I
would appreciate any code snippets :) .

Best regards,

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