[OTDev] Filtering Services deployed

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Fri Jun 25 21:32:06 CEST 2010

Dear all,
 Some new services including a generic feature selection service and an
updated version of Support Vector Machine Training Algorithm (for
regression) are now available at opentox.ntua.gr:3000. Members of the
groups "partner" and "devrelopment" can use these services providing
either their credentials or some token. 
  The filtering algorithm need an array of filtering routines to be
specified. These are invoked in the order provided by the client.
Additional parameters are also provided optionally as form parameters.
The service API adopts the pattern:

curl -X POST -d filter[]=<filter1_alias> -d filter[]=<filter2_alias>
<Optional Parameters> http://server/algorithm/filter

A background job is initialized and a task URI is returned to the client
(with status code 202). For example:

curl -X POST -d filter[]=MVH -d filter=AtributeCleanup -d
http://opentox.ntua.gr:3000/algorithm/filter?tokenId=abcdefghijk first
handles missing values and then removes all string type features from
the dataset.

Best Regards,
NTUA Development Team

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