[OTDev] Proposal: List of Tasks for the implementation of QPRF/QMRF editors and their integration in OpenTox

Pantelis Sopasakis chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Mon Jul 5 11:53:27 CEST 2010

Dear all, 
 I'm sending you the brief list of tasks I also presented in today's meeting
to comment on if you like:

Current State of Development:

A. QPRF Editor
* Initial design of the GUI is available at:
* Source code available at:

B. QMRF Editor
*  Runs as a JWS application at:
*  Is based on XML.

TASKS needed for the integration of the above editors in OpenTox:

For the QPRF editor:
1. Completion of GUI design. Feedback from other partners is needed. Any ideas are

2. OpenTox ontology  needs to be extended  to describe QPRF and  QMRF reports.

3. A web service needs to be developed for the creation/storing of QPRF reports. 
   REST API extensions are quite straightforward yet need to be clarified and 
   documented at http://opentox.org/dev/apis/api-1.2/report .

4. Development of a client for the QPRF reporting web service.

5. Integrate the client in the editor to allow for remote storing of QPRF
   remote loading and PDF creation. All application logic relies on the service.

6. Alpha version for testing / Debugging.

7. Incorporate the QPRF editor in ToxPredict.

For the QMRF Editor:
Two alternative scenarios:
A. Modification of AMBIT's QMRF Editor to work with RDF and development of a
QMRF reporting service (Storing of QMRF reports in RDF, Creation of PDF).
B. Creation of a new Editor from scratch and development of a QMRF 
   reporting service (Storing of QMRF reports in RDF, Creation of PDF).

[Note: Scenario A was accepted due to schedule restrictions (Deliverable is
due for August), so QMRF reporting services will be based on AMBIT's QMRF
editor and the Web Services Martin presented.]


1. Ontology extensions for QMRF reports. QPRF and QMRF reports should be
handled in a uniform way in terms of ontology and REST API.

Next steps:
As above (QPRF Editor case).

Best Regards,

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