[OTDev] Classified + Urgent

Nina Jeliazkova jeliazkova.nina at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 13:29:49 CEST 2010

>> If so is
>> there a "other" or "miscellaneous" dataset where I can upload single
>> compounds.
> Any new file POSTed to the dataset service will create a new dataset , only
> if you PUT the dataset to existing dataset URI a new one will be created.
> Partners have already created more than thousands datasets.
Sorry for being unclear.

- POST to /dataset  will create a new dataset
- POST to /dataset/{id}  will replace the dataset with the uploaded content
- PUT to /dataset/{id}  will add new content to tha /dataset/{id}

So you can create a new dataset of your own (via POST /dataset ) , as a
result it will return an URI of the dataset , e.g. /dataset/other
and use it to PUT new compounds there (via PUT to /dataset/other ) .

Best regards,

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