[OTDev] API 1.2 discussions today

Tobias Girschick tobias.girschick at in.tum.de
Mon Dec 27 09:56:20 CET 2010

Hi All,

On 12/20/2010 04:49 PM, Christoph Helma wrote:
>>    - POST/PUT for descriptor calculation
> I have checked: PUT operations for dataset subsets are already in the dataset API.
OK. Is there a rule or scheme when POST and when PUT is used? The 
default should be POST, I guess, so we don't mess around with existing 
datasets. But how can the user switch to PUT (if he has privileges for 
that)? An additional parameter?

Best regards,


Dipl.-Bioinf. Tobias Girschick

Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Lehrstuhl I12 - Bioinformatik
Bolzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München, Germany

Room: MI 01.09.042
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18002
Email: tobias.girschick at in.tum.de <mailto:tobias.girschick at in.tum.de>
Web: http://wwwkramer.in.tum.de/girschick

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