[OTDev] opentox.ntua.gr is up again

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Fri May 6 19:57:58 CEST 2011

Hi all,
    We inform you that the technical problems that were responsible for
the outage of our services the last few days are now solved (see
http://ambit.uni-plovdiv.bg/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi?target=NTUA and
http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/monitoring ). I'd like also to announce the
release of the new version of our web site for OpenTox which is based on
Joomla. You can find various interesting topics in our blog section at
http://opentox.ntua.gr/index.php/blog such as instructions for the
standalone installation of Jaqpot
( http://opentox.ntua.gr/index.php/blog/14-editors ). We will keep the
blog populated with more articles and by next week we'll release a
complete user's manual for ToxOtis and our web services. 
    Second we have started implementing some utilities for policy
management. For example under http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/policy , users
can find a list of their policies and eventually delete them or update
them. The provided interface is quite simple and (artistically) minimal
but quite handy. Additionally, users in Jaqpot are handled as resources,
so for example you can have a list of all users at
http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/user. As accounting comes in action, users
can inspect their quota on the server at
http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/user/guest@opensso.in-silico.ch/quota . A
first simple interface for model training is provided at
http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/train/generic and we intend to extend it to
cater for model parameters. In the meantime we have implemented a
consensus modeling web service which will be extended according to what
was discussed in the last meeting. The Fast RBF Neural network algorithm
( http://opentox.ntua.gr:8080/algorithm/fastRbfNn ) is already
implemented and deployed while scaling has been reimplemented to follow
the rule "Algorithms produce Models (so do filtering ones)". 
    Some extensions have been added to the bibtex service allowing
clients to link bibtex references and models or other resources (read
more at http://opentox.ntua.gr/index.php/blog/46-system ). Fell free to
comment on any of the above. Monday's meeting is a good opportunity for
us to present our latest work and discuss/finalize the REST API for the
consensus modeling algorithm.

Best regards,

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