[OTDev] Implementation of QPRF web service

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Fri May 13 16:27:50 CEST 2011

Hi All,
    I'm currently working on a new QPRF web service whose scope is to:

1. Allow user to create QPRF reports and store them on the server
2. Retrieve a QPRF report in RDF and PDF formats (later RTF and ODT will
be added as well)
3. List all QPRF reports
3. Search for QPRF reports according to the compound URI, the compound
(IUPAC) Name, SMILES or CAS, the model URI or other keywords
4. Delete a QPRF report

Looking at the specification at
http://opentox.org/dev/apis/api-1.2/report I noticed that we have
specified POST as the method to update an existing QPRF report.
Shouldn't it be PUT instead? 

One more point concerns authors and author-related ontological
properties like ot:authorName that we have introduced. I think we can
replace all these with the author's FOAF and introduce a property that
links QPRF reports with authors' FOAF IDs. For that of course, authors
need to have a FOAF ID somewhere online.

Regarding structural analogues, in my opinion the content of the QPRF
report (in RDF) does not have to be very explicit. A link to a dataset
URI containing the structural analogues of the compound is adequate. For
that, for every QPRF report we need the list of structural analogues as
a dataset on some server.

Analogously to the current specification for QMRF reports,
application/x-form-www-urlencoded is fine as input format.

Please leave a comment if you have something in mind regarding the
implementation details. 

Best regards,

P.S. The service will of course respect users' privileges as defined by

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