[OTDev] Techie Table (Requirements)

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Mon Sep 6 18:27:58 CEST 2010

Hello All,

Here is a summary of what a participant should do as a preparation for
the Techie Table:

1. Have cURL installed ( in Linux-based OSs use the repositories), see
http://curl.linux-mirror.org/ or just do apt-get install curl
2. Install an IDE like Netbeans ( http://netbeans.org/  ) or other
3. Have Java 1.6. installed
4. Install git (Homepage: http://git-scm.com/ ), In Linux you can
download and install it using the repositories ( apt-get install
git-core )
5. Download the source code of YAQP from:
http://github.com/alphaville/yaqp-turbo or using git, type:  git clone
6. You can optionally download and run Protege (Find it at
http://protege.stanford.edu/ ) and use it to view the OpenTox ontology
from http://opentox.org/data/documents/development/RDF%
7. Take a quick look at the OpenTox API at
http://opentox.org/dev/apis/api-1.1 (Mainly study the API for
algorithms, models, tasks and A&A).

This is a draft for now but a complete handout will be ready no later
than Friday.

Best Regards,

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