[OTDev] Approval of models

chung chvng at mail.ntua.gr
Fri Dec 17 01:32:59 CET 2010

Hi all,
   I'd like to re-open the discussion we had some time ago regarding the
approval of models. Our initial plan was to have two statuses for a
model: "Approved" and "Under Review" or something similar. However it is
not yet specified yet how theses values are modified through the Restlet
API leave out who is allowed to modify these. First of all I'd like to
ask if we still consider this information important in the model (maybe
bookmarking a model is adequate). If yes, I think a simple POST
operation is sufficient to modify the resource:

POST /model/{id}
model_status=<Approved|Under Review>

expected response:
Representation of the updated model with status code 200

Other status codes:
400 (model_status value out of range)
403, 401, 500, 503

I think the above is an easy and inexpensive way to modify the status of
any model using the current A&A infrastructure. 

Additionally we have implemented a data filtering service based on PLS
and one based on SVM (these are not deployed yet but are tested
successfully). Is there some place on the OpenTox site were we can put
some documentation and provide some example cURL commands for these?

Best regards,

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